Thursday, May 30, 2013

Paris in the Springtime

I finally can upload pictures from my Paris trip in March.  I had the BEST time.  The way I'm describing it is MAGICAL.  I really can't believe I went to Paris again!  This was my 11th time, but I seriously thought I would never go back after getting sick.

I will be honest there were some concerns about going.  Could I do it?  Could I keep up?  You walk everywhere!  Those were just some of the thoughts going through my head!  I'm happy to report I could do it!  And I kept up with everyone!  One of the things that I was most proud of was walking all the way to the top of Notre Dame de Paris.  There are no elevators - it was just a winding staircase that went on forever.  But when I got to the top it was such a great feeling!  A feeling of true accomplishment!

I have to tell you why I got the amazing opportunity to go.  It is not a good reason.  When I was in the hospital I was so sick!  I almost died twice in the hospital.  My mom says she was desperate.  I cannot imagine what my family was going through!  So in a moment of desperation she said to me in the hospital that if I survive this she will take me to Paris!  Well that promise became a reality!  Just so you can get an idea of how sick I was here is a picture of me when I was at my worst!

Summer of 2011 - I was unable to stand, walk, or move my body!
That picture always freaks me out!  But I want you guys to see the stark difference of then and now!  I took over 800 pictures, but here are some of my favorite that I took!

My favorite picture taken - moment of triumph!
This is what I ate for dessert every time!  Sorbet!  I'm eating very healthy for my MS!
This was the view from the street where we stayed!  It was perfect!  That is Notre Dame in the background!  I can't believe I walked to the top!
When we arrived it was snowing!  I've never seen Paris in the snow!  We were walking down the street, and turned the corner and this is what we saw!  I had to stop and take a photo of people ice skating in Paris!
This is so Paris - had to take a photo!
This stopped us in our track!  They were selling this!  And apparently this is very chic in Paris - American University sweatshirts!
The history teacher in me never leaves!  One morning we went to the French Revolution Prison Museum!  This was actually a blade they used during the revolution!
Saint-Chapelle.  All the french kings worshipped here!
Musee D'Orsay.  The impressionist museum in an old train station.
In this beautiful restaurant in the Musee D'Orsay with our waiter!
Me and my Mom.  I love this woman!
The second week we went to Nice, and this was the apartment we stayed in!  I looked at my Mom and said I don't have to go anywhere - the apartment was enough!  I loved it!
This was the sign above the door of my favorite restaurant in Nice!
I had scallops for almost every meal in Nice - they were so good!
I'm most proud of this photo! 
Best sorbet - lemon sorbet served in a frozen hollowed out lemon!
The Mediterranean - spent a lot of time at the beach
Cutest little girl making a crepe in Nice!
At the top of Notre Dame!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

MLK Poem

I had a student read this poem to me, and I had goose bumps!  It was so good, and then she told me she wrote it!!!  I love this girl and poem - Enjoy!

Our world was destroyed by the acts of segregation, All we needed was one demonstration, One consisting of a black man and a white man together, Even though our country may tether.
I can see a day when my dream becomes real, Where we could show them that we can heal.
The color of your skin does not define who you are, Black, white, red, or blue, you can go far.
Once they finally see that color doesn't matter, Maybe we can climb that ladder, Separating the future from the past, Together we can make this change last, And learn to love one another, Showing respect and dignity to each other, The change will be hard, But together we can remove our guard.
To see the beauty of all.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

See the World!

I saw this quote, and knew it had to be a post!  I am very blessed to have left the country 11 times, and visited 8 countries!  I first went to Europe when I was 16, and I got the travel bug!  I am always looking for a way to Travel - to see the world!  And what is amazing opportunities present themselves! 
I think the best part of travel is you get to see how other people live, and you realize how BIG the world truly is.  For me I realized the world is bigger than Tulsa, Oklahoma!  Even to this day I find myself wondering what people are doing in England, France, and China!
So if you ever get the chance to see the world - Go!  Run!  It will change your life and you will want to go back, and see new places! 
You get to try new foods!