Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy Holidays!

I'm about to leave for Taiwan, but I wanted to say Happy Holidays!  And hope everyone has a GREAT break!

APUSH - Read and summarize Chapters 20,21, and 22.  Due January 6th.
Oklahoma History - Finish all 18 TTCU Modules by January 3rd!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Attention Government and Oklahoma History Students:

Return your textbook on the day of your final!  Or you'll get a hold card!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Another Snow Day!

Can you believe it?  We get another Snow Day!  I can't!  But I just want to encourage you to be taking advantage of this time.  We are at the end of the semester, and Finals are next week!  I hope everyone is studying and working! 

A note to the parents - all of my students have been given their study guide for the final!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Another Snow Day!

We get another SNOW day!  I hope you guys take advantage of it and study!  Now is the time to work hard, and then enjoy Winter Break!  So do what you need to do to prepare for Finals!  You'll be so glad you did!

I'm taking advantage of these snow days!  I am getting so much grading done!  Hopefully by tomorrow I will be all caught up! 

Hope to see you guys soon!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Day 2013

I hope everyone is enjoying their snow day and staying safe!  Don't forget to use the weekend's time wisely!  Finals Week is coming up soon - all of my classes have been given their study guide for the final! 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sorry for last week!

I apologize for last week, and not posting!  I am the Junior Class Sponsor and Key Club Sponsor.  This week was very intense!  Hopefully this week I will get back on track!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Grade Update!

Sorry I did not get the Blog updated this weekend.  By tonight it should be!  This weekend I got 95% of the work graded!  I decided that is more important - hopefully in 2 days the grades should be completely updated!

Thank you for your patience!

Ms. Haughey

Sunday, September 8, 2013

No More

This is perfect!  I always say racism will go away when it is not taught at home.  I truly believe it is our responsibility to teach love and tolerance in our homes!

This last week we looked at Empathy.  I want my students to have historical empathy.  If they don't love history that is fine, but you have to respect it!  It has taken a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to get where we are today.  I want my students to understand historical people and events.

So we looked at historical empathy through the Civil Rights Movement and the Children's Crusade.  I wanted them to get it, really get it.  So my students read an article describing the world of Jim Crow South.  They were shocked!  Most students did not know how bad it really was!  So when I showed them this documentary they got it on a much deeper level:

Not the documentary we watched.  I couldn't find it, but this was just has good.
Again the whole point was Empathy, and I asked them could they do this?  Could they imagine themselves doing it?  Some did say yes, but most said no.  I include myself in the no.  I really don't think I could.  Knowing about the dogs and hoses.  It makes me think what issue is so important to me that I would put my life in danger?  I really don't know.
Hoses turned on Children during the Children's Crusade.  The water pressure was so strong it would rip the clothes from your body and cut your skin!
The Children's Crusade was a success.  Many people we're hesitant because they didn't want to put the children of Birmingham in danger.  But it woke the nation up to the cruelty of segregation.  Bolstered by the courage of the Children JFK  took on the cause. 
We ended with this poem/song.  What many said to me is if we did not read the article about segregation, watch the documentary, and have our discussions they would not get this poem on the level they did get it.  It meant so much more!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Internet Finally Working!

This summer I've had the worst trouble with my computer and internet!  I hope it is solved now, but I should be back on schedule!  Thank you for being patient with me!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Computer issues!

Hello Everyone!  Sorry for my long absence!  My computer and Internet stopped working! was frustrating!  I'm glad it was able to be fixed, and it did not happen during the school year!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Going Out of Town

Today I'm leaving for my Grandparent's house!  I'm so excited, and thought ironic since I just did that post about my grandparents!  I just wanted to let you guys know because I don't know if I'll be able to post while there.  See you Tuesday!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Today is a Great day to make this post about Honor Flight on the 69th anniversary of D - day!  I have had GREAT privilege of participating in Honor Flight three times!  I hope I get to participate every semester!  Honor Flight is a great organization that takes WWII Vets to Washington D.C. to see the WWII Memorial free of charge!  Such a worthy cause!  When I first heard about Honor Flight I cried because all I could think is how wonderful!  No one deserves it more!  Here is a great video about Honor Flight and their significance!

BTW has participated by writing "Thank You" letters.  Each Vet gets a few on the plane ride, and I heard from Honor Flight that BTW writes the best letters!  That made my heart smile!  That is my requirement to the students is to be heartfelt!  These men have been through the worse and they deserve a worthy "Thank You."  To get them in the right mood I play this song.  It is a true story of one family darning WWII:

The letters are always amazing!  The Best part of Honor Flight is going to the airport to welcome the Vets home!  It is the most patriotic feeling I have ever had!  To see those men come home is such an exciting feeling!  They are now old men, but when I see them I always think what did they look like when they were in the War?  Then they are always so humble, and so grateful!  I shook one of their hands, and he thanked me!  I wanted to say no thank you!  I couldn't believe they were thanking me!  Here are some pics from the last Honor Flight in Tulsa:
Sons of the American Revolution were there dressed up!  Had to get my photo with them!
Me and Mrs. Moffitt about to welcome the Vets home!
Everyone there to welcome the Vets home!
They had a band there to play patriotic music!
Last night I met a WWII Vet at Walgreens.  I took the opportunity to Thank him!  He also told me he was 95.  I asked what the secret was to living a long life?  He said to enjoy life!  I thought that was a great response!  So if you ever get a chance to tell a veteran thank you - please do!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Paris in the Springtime

I finally can upload pictures from my Paris trip in March.  I had the BEST time.  The way I'm describing it is MAGICAL.  I really can't believe I went to Paris again!  This was my 11th time, but I seriously thought I would never go back after getting sick.

I will be honest there were some concerns about going.  Could I do it?  Could I keep up?  You walk everywhere!  Those were just some of the thoughts going through my head!  I'm happy to report I could do it!  And I kept up with everyone!  One of the things that I was most proud of was walking all the way to the top of Notre Dame de Paris.  There are no elevators - it was just a winding staircase that went on forever.  But when I got to the top it was such a great feeling!  A feeling of true accomplishment!

I have to tell you why I got the amazing opportunity to go.  It is not a good reason.  When I was in the hospital I was so sick!  I almost died twice in the hospital.  My mom says she was desperate.  I cannot imagine what my family was going through!  So in a moment of desperation she said to me in the hospital that if I survive this she will take me to Paris!  Well that promise became a reality!  Just so you can get an idea of how sick I was here is a picture of me when I was at my worst!

Summer of 2011 - I was unable to stand, walk, or move my body!
That picture always freaks me out!  But I want you guys to see the stark difference of then and now!  I took over 800 pictures, but here are some of my favorite that I took!

My favorite picture taken - moment of triumph!
This is what I ate for dessert every time!  Sorbet!  I'm eating very healthy for my MS!
This was the view from the street where we stayed!  It was perfect!  That is Notre Dame in the background!  I can't believe I walked to the top!
When we arrived it was snowing!  I've never seen Paris in the snow!  We were walking down the street, and turned the corner and this is what we saw!  I had to stop and take a photo of people ice skating in Paris!
This is so Paris - had to take a photo!
This stopped us in our track!  They were selling this!  And apparently this is very chic in Paris - American University sweatshirts!
The history teacher in me never leaves!  One morning we went to the French Revolution Prison Museum!  This was actually a blade they used during the revolution!
Saint-Chapelle.  All the french kings worshipped here!
Musee D'Orsay.  The impressionist museum in an old train station.
In this beautiful restaurant in the Musee D'Orsay with our waiter!
Me and my Mom.  I love this woman!
The second week we went to Nice, and this was the apartment we stayed in!  I looked at my Mom and said I don't have to go anywhere - the apartment was enough!  I loved it!
This was the sign above the door of my favorite restaurant in Nice!
I had scallops for almost every meal in Nice - they were so good!
I'm most proud of this photo! 
Best sorbet - lemon sorbet served in a frozen hollowed out lemon!
The Mediterranean - spent a lot of time at the beach
Cutest little girl making a crepe in Nice!
At the top of Notre Dame!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

MLK Poem

I had a student read this poem to me, and I had goose bumps!  It was so good, and then she told me she wrote it!!!  I love this girl and poem - Enjoy!

Our world was destroyed by the acts of segregation, All we needed was one demonstration, One consisting of a black man and a white man together, Even though our country may tether.
I can see a day when my dream becomes real, Where we could show them that we can heal.
The color of your skin does not define who you are, Black, white, red, or blue, you can go far.
Once they finally see that color doesn't matter, Maybe we can climb that ladder, Separating the future from the past, Together we can make this change last, And learn to love one another, Showing respect and dignity to each other, The change will be hard, But together we can remove our guard.
To see the beauty of all.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

See the World!

I saw this quote, and knew it had to be a post!  I am very blessed to have left the country 11 times, and visited 8 countries!  I first went to Europe when I was 16, and I got the travel bug!  I am always looking for a way to Travel - to see the world!  And what is amazing opportunities present themselves! 
I think the best part of travel is you get to see how other people live, and you realize how BIG the world truly is.  For me I realized the world is bigger than Tulsa, Oklahoma!  Even to this day I find myself wondering what people are doing in England, France, and China!
So if you ever get the chance to see the world - Go!  Run!  It will change your life and you will want to go back, and see new places! 
You get to try new foods!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Liberty In North Korea (LINK)

On April 16th Liberty In North Korea did a presentation at BTW for my US Government students.  They came last year, and it was inspiring.  So when I had the opportunity to bring them again this year - I jumped at the opportunity.  Their purpose is this in a nutshell:  Put the focus back on the people.  Most Americans when you say North Korea we think about them wanting to Nuke America.  But LINK reminds us that there are 24 million people living under an oppressive government.  That is who they are trying to help. 

The stories will shock you about the living conditions in North Korea.  Ultimately my hope for my students are to appreciate the life we have in America!  There is a lot wrong with this country.  We all know that - we all could go around and say something that is wrong with America.  But there is a lot right, and when you compare America to other countries it is amazing!  Boy we live in a great country, where we are fee and have rights!

Last year in the video they showed us, a man was speaking about why he escaped North Korea.  He was blacked out, and his voice changed.  Because he had family still in North Korea and if he was found out they would be punished.  In North Korea if you do something illegal they punish not just you, but three generations.  Isn't that unbelievable?  But this guy said he escaped because he wanted to live life as a human being.  Because in North Korea you are not a human being.  When he said that it broke me heart!

This is what LINK wants to do - make a shift in people's thoughts about North Korea.  They are also lobbying the media to report about the people!

This is the documentary we saw!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

What will you remember?

Last week was the anniversary of the OKC Bombing.

OKC Bombing

 It was my JFK Moment.  I remember where I was, what I was wearing when I heard the news about the bombing.  They call it the JFK Moment because people remember where they were when they heard the news about JFK.

Moments before JFK was assassinated

So I wanted to know what 9th graders will always remember.  Here are the top answers:

9/11 Attacks

Election of 2008 - President Obama

Boston Marathon Bombing

Sandy Hook Shooting

Colorado Movie Theater Shooting