Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Flash Cards

I always tell my students learn how you learn.  When you figure out how you study, your school life will be so much easier!  There are so many different ways to study, and we all use different strategies.  What works for you might not work for another.  So I am going to highlight different methods.  I am going to start with the method that works for me - Flash Cards!
Anytime I would use Flash Cards I would pass the test - even in college.  I excelled with Flash Cards.  I will admit, making them would be time consuming.  So you do have to make them in enough time, and not the day before the test.  I would buy Flash Cards, or make them with sheets of paper.  I would do that a lot in college because I was a poor college student.  I would have no money for note cards!  Lol  Now they do have awesome notecards out there.  You can buy different colors, or get some that are on a ring.  So you can keep them organized!
What I do is take all my notes, and the chapter for that particular test, and create flash cards.  I would turn every piece of information into a flash card.  I always had a lot because of this, but I was thorough. Flash cards are great because you turn the information into questions, and that is what teachers do!  They look at the information and turn it into questions.
Then I would study them!  The best part of Flash Cards is you can take them anywhere!  I would study them till I had them memorized!  You can also have someone test you!  They are versatile, and user friendly.  There are also online websites where you can make online Flash Cards.  Here is one of the best ones out there!  Check it out!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Be A Good Person

I believe in Karma!  What you put out into the world, comes back to you!  So BE A GOOD PERSON!  That is one of the biggest pieces of advice I can give to anyone.  When you are a good person opportunities open up!  I try very hard to be a good person, and my life has proven to me it is the way to go!  I have built good Karma! 
When I got very sick, and spent four months in the hospitals miracles happened all the time!  In this dark storm there were rays of light!  I say all the time I have a charmed life.  Things tend to go my way.  I can't explain why, but I know the way I live my life helps!
I know I'm nice, and maybe too nice.  But it's better than the option of what I could be called.  I like that I am known as a sweet, kind, and good person.  I think the other part of this reputation.  What do you want to be known for?  I like having a good reputation, and I plan on keeping that forever! 
The clip below sums it all up!  Listen to what Will Smith says to Jimmy Fallon:

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Power of Doodling

Have you ever doodled?  When I was in college my geography professor told my class something interesting.  He told us about the power of doodling, and encouraged us to doodle.  He told us this story about when one semester a girl was always doodling, and it really bothered him.  So much that he confronted her.  She told him that it clears her mind and keeps her attentive.  I have always remembered that, and would tell people that.  They would look at me crazy, but then I saw this!
In a nutshell it explains that doodling is not mindless.  In fact it has mental benefit.  What everyone says and even the studies show that doodling opens the doors to better concentration.  It keeps people from daydreaming, and focused on the task ahead.  So next time you can't focus - try doodling!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

I am so thankful for my Dad!  I don't know what I did to be so lucky to get him as my dad!  So today tell him how thankful you are for him!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Last Weekend I got to go to the famous POPS in Arcadia, Oklahoma.  I use to do this assignment, Oklahoma Road Trip.  Every student said they wanted to go to POPS.  I always heard how cool it was.  The only thing I knew was they had 100s of soda to choose from.  So when I had the opportunity to go I had to go!
It was not as big as I thought, and it was a gas station.  The inside however did live up to the expectation!  You walk in and all you see is Pop!  There were so many choices, and it was so much FUN to browse the selection!  If you ever get the chance to go - GO!  It is a fun thing to say you've been!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Enjoy Your Summer!

Sorry I have been gone for a while!  The end of school was crazy, and trying to get in the swing of things!  Now I am in a groove - so I will be posting daily! 
I hope your summer is FANTASTIC and RELAXING!