Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014

A GREAT Philbrook Field Trip

In World History we just finished the Renaissance.  The rebirth of Europe after the Dark Ages.

I want History to come to life for my students.  So we went to the Philbrook to see their Renaissance Art collection.  We also got a tour of the new Native American Exhibit.  I loved that because the Renaissance was all about becoming a well rounded cultured person - a Renaissance Man! 
The day went perfect!  The students had fun!  The Museum tour guides said our students were the best students they have toured in a long time!  That is what I love!  BTW students are always so well behaved!  The guides told me their favorite part was the fact they would ask the students questioned about the Renaissance and they knew the answers!
I could not use a flash - so it turned out blury.  Checking ou the art.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Everybody Has A Story

This Made Me Cry!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Everybody Has a Story

I love this idea - everybody has a story because it is true!  I think we all forget that.  It is nice to be reminded of that.  Also I saw a great movie that highlights this idea - St. Vincent.  Vincent on the surface looks like a terrible person, but then they dig under the surface.  It was great!  I dragged my sister.  She did not want to see it, but cried in the film and loved it! 


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Homecoming 2014 - 300: Rise of the Hive

Homecoming was so much fun!  This is always my favorite week at BTW!  And I cannot believe this was my 10th one!  Here is a collection of my favorite photos taken:

I love that each Class gets to decorate a hallway!  It makes the Hive so festive!  You can feel the spirit!
Seniors - Class of 2015
Sophomores - Class of 2017
Freshman - Class of 2018
Juniors - Class of 2016
Mix Match Day
Mix Match Day
Dress Your Age Day
Dress Your Age Day
Outrageous Orange and Black Day
The Awesome Door My 2nd Hour Made!
Pep Rally - Watching Teachers about to race!
Mr. and Miss Hornet

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happy Halloween!

For Halloween I went as Tami my nurse!  She has been my nurse since day 1.  Every month I have to get an infusion.  The drug is called Tysabri.  In the MS world it is a big deal.  My doctor explained Tysabri in a good simple way.  It is putting a pause on MS.  I am so thankful for this drug because it is working!
And most of all I am thankful for this office!  They are taking care of me!  I truly believe they are saving my life!  It was an honor to be Tami for Halloween!
Tami and the other nurses dressed up like Wizard of Oz.  Tami was a GREAT Tin Man!