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Friday, June 30, 2017

Be Proffessional

This is awesome! I keep watching it, and after the tenth time I thought this is a good life lesson!   An actress was rude to a reporter, and the ladies weighed in.  What they said I believe could be applied to anyone.  Raven kept saying she was raised differently like that would excuse her awful behavior.

Whoopi Goldberg chimed in, and said "Suck It Up!"  We will all in our life need to suck it up, and be professional.  It matters how we treat people!  Watch this video!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Pueblo Revolt

In 1680 a revolt happened in New Mexico.  The Pueblo Native Americans were being mistreated by the Spanish explorers who were in the New World.  This was a big moment,  and for instance College Board wants AP US History students to know this moment.

The accounts of mistreatment the Pueblos experienced is heartbreaking, and unbelievable.  I do not understand how you can be so cruel to another human being!  But maybe that is the problem - the Spanish did not see the Pueblos as humans.  At this time the Spanish essentially had a slave system in place - the Encomeinda System.

Encomienda System

The Pueblos could not take it anymore!  One of their biggest complaints was the fact the Spanish would not let them worship their gods.  Instead they wanted them to work.  So the Pueblos took the moment in their own hands.  The Revolt was led by Pope.

One reason they were successful of expelling the Spanish was numbers.  They had the numbers!  There were 8,000 Pueblos and 200 Spanish.  The Pueblos killed 20 Priests and 100s of Spanish colonists. The Spanish brought their faith with them to the New World.  

A Spanish Missionary in Arizona

It was not till Pope died did the Spanish try to take back their control.  They were successful, but much nicer in hopes of preventing any further revolt in 1692.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Success according to Kevin Hart

It will not come up, but it is so good!  He talks about finding your passion! 

Thursday, June 22, 2017

TED Talk - Live Life!

This is a powerful message about life!  I hate to say this, but everyone will go through something!  My something is MS!  Just know no matter what happens life will go on!  

Monday, June 19, 2017

School of Greatness - Comedy

This podcast is fantastic!  Life is too short to learn all the lessons!  There are so many people who have made it, and are super successful.  Learn from them!  Pay attention!  This podcast talks to successful people about how they made it!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Success Tips from Steve Jobs

You can learn from others!  Steve Jobs was worth billions, and successful.  Listen to him!  I went back and watched  Warren Buffet, and he said something fascinating!  Mr. Buffet said he has this fear of failure.  So he studies failure!  Whatever you want to do - study it!  Find your passion!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Learn from Others

One great life lesson is you can learn from others!  I agree totally with the quote above.  Life is too short to learn all the lessons of life!  Learn from others, and pay attention too who you learn from.  One thing my brother does is he reads about how millionaires made their money.  He wants to be comfortable in life, and I think it is a brilliant idea!

I was on Facebook, and saw an interesting article from a former student.  It was a millionaire giving advice to young people.  He had two pieces of advice.  1. When you graduate from college get any job you can get!  2. When you graduate from college move out of your parents house!  

On a side note I am watching The View, and Chance The Rapper is on.  He just said he studied Dave Chapelle, and the decisions he made in his life.  He owes his success to him!

I could not find the article, but I found another good one.  There are so many so I encourage you to research this on your own!  Learn from these GIANTS!
