Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Black of Infantry of the West

I am so honored who is my grandfather!  He wrote the above book, and was a civil rights activist in Oklahoma!  He inspires me!  He got the idea to write a book about the Black infantry of the West when he served in the military during the Korean War.  The American military was still segregated.  He was a white officer to black troops.  He saw first hand how they were treated, and spoken to!  He researched this, and wrote this book.

Four years ago he came and talked to my classes, and spoke about the history of this extraordinary infantry.  One thing he said that stood out to me was knowing this history is important!  It is a story of heroics and courage!  A review of the book is below:

Monday, February 12, 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018

The Post

Last night I saw The Post!  Wow!  It was fantastic!  The movie follows The  Washington Post getting their hands on the Pentagon Papers and wrestling with the thought to publish or not to publish.  The government and President Nixon does not want them to publish.  The Papers were a government study to see the effects of the Vietnam War.  In the study the government admits they are lying to the American public.   The movie highlights a major issue:

One of the amazing things about this film is that it is relevant.  In the  1970s the President tried to limit the Press, but it is a good reminder that the Press cannot be limited.  I think the current government needs to remember that. One line or quote I loved was, "The News is the rough draft of history!"

The Press has done so much for us!  It can be a game changer!  One example was the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.  The game changer was for the Nation seeing the violence and oppression being committed at the marches.  

Children being fire hosed at the Children's March in Birmingham 1963.

Police attacking marchers in Selma