Thursday, September 30, 2021

Homecoming 2021 - Hive-Rnation

 On Friday (10/1) Booker T. is playing the Bartlesville Bruins at Homecoming!  The Hive was alive this week with Spirit and Pride!

Monday - Cowboys v. Aliens

Tuesday - Celebrity

Wednesday - Cartoon

Thursday - Red Carpet

Friday - Obnoxious Orange and Black

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Embargo Act of 1807


In APUSH we are discussing the Embargo Act of 1807.  At this moment England and France were fighting against each other in the Napoleonic Wars creating an unsafe environment to trade on the seas!  The new American Government wanted to protect American Businessman.  So they said you cannot trade with any country!  They truly thought this action would hurt the rest of the world!  It did NOT!  It backfired!  It hurt America more, and numerous traders and merchants became smugglers to get around the Embargo.

The government heard the pain of American Businessmen and repealed this hated embargo creating smugglers.  It was replaced by the Non-Intercourse Act, which is an unfortunate name.  This Act opened the world to American Businessmen except for England and France.

To show American frustration the above political cartoon was created!  In the early 19th Century most Americans could not read or write, but they could analyze pictures.  Here is the symbolism in the political cartoon:
1. The snapping turtle is the Embargo
2. The guy running with a barrel to the ocean is a smuggler
3. The turtle is biting the smuggler (the embargo holds American businessmen back) 
4. The scene is in a port
5. There is a British Ship waiting in the port for the smuggler
6.  Last thing is the title Embago backwards

Thursday, September 23, 2021

New Art and Basketball Floor at Booker T

 The Field House floor flooded so they put in a new, better, and improved floor!  All the coaches say it looks even better in person!

Then the Class of 2021 left a beautiful Mural in the library as a Class Gift!  Go check it out!  It is breathtaking!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Advice from an Alumni about Hornet Football!


As we approach the first game of the year, there are some rules you need to know when attending a BTW game (home or away).
If you get offended, not my issue. As an alumni it is my responsibility to make everyone knows what these are and to help guide the new students/parents in the Hornet way
1) When the band entering/leaving the stadium you are not to cross between the band members. Should you try, band members have been instructed to continue playing their instruments and march and if you get hit by and instrument, baton, or a high kick, YOU are at fault and no apologies will be issued.
Additionally, when the band has taken their place in the stands, crossing in front is prohibited (there are exceptions for our Sr Citizens). This for their safety as well as yours. If you are Pom or Cheer, the space on the track in front of the band is for the Majos only. If you need to cross to go to the other side, you will go behind the Majos.
Additionally, whomever is in front of the student section, you are to stay in that area and keep your distance from them. Those batons hurt and if you get hit by one because you weren't where you were suppose to be, that's on you.
2) Whatever your stance is on the National Anthem, keep it to yourself. ROTC and Band take their jobs seriously and as such you can at least give these students your respect.
3) Our school colors are Orange and Black (gray and white are acceptable). This means when attending please try and dress accordingly. Spiritwear is available from the PTSA and Band so no excuse.
4) Student section - Dress attire is applicable to you as well. You represent the Hive so dress accordingly. You are also to be up on your feet cheering your school on. Do not sit there like a bump on a log. If you are an alumni and have a relative attending BTW, get this through their head.
5) School Hymn - The school hymn is played after every game whether we win or lose. If you are a student or have one at BTW, they are to know ALL the words to it. If you don't know it, Doc Shaw - music instructor is more than happy to help you learn.
Like the National Anthem, when you hear that first note, stop whatever you are doing until song is over. WE DO NOT WALK DURING THE PLAYING/SINGING OF THE SCHOOL HYMN!!! If you are spotted doing so, be prepared to get checked.
Like I said, you might not like what I said but I believe in telling how it is instead of complaining.
You and 6 others
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Friday, September 3, 2021

Be a HERO!


This is an INCREDIBLE story that illustrates the Power of One!  I am talking to myself - we can all make a difference!!!!  This guy is INCREDIBLE!!!  He took down a shooter at Waffle House!  He received 2nd degree burns on his hand from grabbing the gun!  Then he charged the shooter after a bullet grazed his elbow!!!  Wow!  I am not sure I would be that brave!

He went on Ellen to tell his story, and then he surprised him with his favorite basketball player!  Pulls at your heart strings!  Enjoy! 
I cannot find the clip of him telling his story, but look it up!!!  It is incredible!