Thursday, April 30, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015

Everybody Has A Story

I saw this story this weekend, and it immediately captured my attention.  This young woman's family was going through a tough financial time.   Her Mom was diagnosed with MS, and had a tough time.  Things got so bad she had to go into a nursing home.

I completely get that!  I woke up one day and could not stand or walk.  When I want to have a pity party for myself my Mom reminds me how far I've come!  Things got so bad my Mom thought I would have to go into a nursing home!  I am grateful everyday for how I am doing!

This was me at my worst - May 2011.  Man I've come a long way!
What this girl does for her family is outstanding and inspirational!  A family's love is powerful!

The MS Walk is Saturday!  If you want to walk with me please register by joining team tutu:

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Friday, April 17, 2015

You Can Do It!

My Dad always use to tell my siblings and I at this point in the year - Keep Going!  Work Hard!  You have worked the whole semester - now is not the time to stop!  So I want to tell you! 
I know you are ready for summer!  I am ready for summer!  But this is the last push!  Stay focused, and work hard!  Don't let your grades slip!  This is crunch time, and when it counts! 
There is only 5 WEEKS left!  You can do this!  And at the end - you get a big reward!  Summer Vacation!  You Got This!

Monday, April 13, 2015

We are the Champions!

This weekend BTW took STATE in Speech and Debate!!!  And I just heard we won Best in Show at the District Art Show!  WE ROCK!!! WE ARE BOOKER T.!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

BTW Prom 2015

Last night was BTW's Prom at the Cain's Ballroom!  It was so cool, and so much fun!  The Juniors did a GREAT job, and I think a good time was had by all!  Here are some of my photos from last night:
I went with Mrs. G.  We had dinner at McNellies because we did not think a lot of Prom groups would be there.  We were right!  We were seated right away!
At the height of attendance.  The students had such a good time!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Republicans and Democrats

Last week in US Government we looked at what is a Republican, and what is a Democrat.  I always like to remember to my students not one party is better than the other.  Not one is wrong, and not one is right.  This country is so polarized, and wants to make each other wrong.  I personally find it so frustrating.  Instead of pointing fingers, I wish the country would come together and try to find solutions to our very real problems!  Both parties have the extremes in party!  We need more moderates!
What both classes picked up on is Republicans are about the individual and smaller government.  Where Democrats are about the community and big government.  Both parties want the BEST for America, and want to see her be successful.  They just have very different ideas on how to get there!
Here are each party's platform.  Take time to read them, and see what party you agree with:

Friday, April 10, 2015

BTW Hall of Fame 2015

Today was the Induction to the Hall of Fame Assembly.  It was such a great and inspiring event.  Four outstanding Hornets were inducted to the BTW Hall of Fame!  Each got to address the students, and had true words of wisdom.  Here are a few pieces of life advice I got from a politician, 2 educators, and an Air Force pilot.
1. What is your legacy?  It is important to ask yourself that question now.  Look into the mirror, look at yourself that question!  We all should give back to our communities - be contributors!  What are you going to do with your life?
2. Take advantage of BTW!  You are so lucky to go to this school!  The world needs you!  BTW will push you, challenge you, and prepare you for life!  BTW is hard - to do athletics, extracurricular activities, and still excel academically!
3.  I loved an analogy to athletics.  Sports teaches you to be disciplined, preserve, and excel!
One aspect I loved is that all the inductees are Hornets!  You are a Hornet!  You are part of that legacy!  The sky is the limit!  I love Wayman Tisdale!  He is a Hornet who was so inspirational!
I'm so glad I teach at Booker T.!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

MLK Jr.'s Assassination

Everyday I post This Day In History.  This morning I did not realize what happened today!  47 years ago MLK Jr. was assassinated in Memphis!  It sent shock waves through this country, and rioting began.  The only person who recognized the hurt and anger of this news was Robert Kennedy  He went to the streets with a bullhorn.  When he had everyone's attention, and the cameras were on him he talked to the crowds with comforting words.  He told the rioters he understood their pain because his brother was killed by a white man!  He had the bravery to address race! 

So last summer when I had the opportunity to go where MLK Jr. was assassinated I had to go!  I always describe it as going to sacred ground!  I read a historian's account of this moment, and he said this hotel was sacred ground.  I got that!  Because that is how I feel!  . 

They have turned that hotel in the Civil Rights Museum.  If you have a chance - go!  It will change your world!  Here are some of my pictures:

Outside the hotel.  When I saw this sign - I got excited knowing where I was about to go!

The first thing you see is an American slavery exhibit.  It is hard to look at!  To see and read about American slavery is heartbreaking!  After the Civil War this country abolished slavery, but with Reconstruction and Jim Crow a new slavery was born.  It thrived for a century!  This is what MLK Jr. was fighting against!
MLK Jr.'s room preserved exactly the way it was that day!  It was spooky to see.  This is why though you need to go to historical sites.  It brings history alive! 
Sadly where MLK Jr. was gunned down.  You cannot stand there, but you can go outside and look at this spot, and take photos.
MLK Jr. gave this speech the night before he was killed.  It is heartbreaking, and brought tears to my eyes!  What he says is powerful!