Friday, April 10, 2015

BTW Hall of Fame 2015

Today was the Induction to the Hall of Fame Assembly.  It was such a great and inspiring event.  Four outstanding Hornets were inducted to the BTW Hall of Fame!  Each got to address the students, and had true words of wisdom.  Here are a few pieces of life advice I got from a politician, 2 educators, and an Air Force pilot.
1. What is your legacy?  It is important to ask yourself that question now.  Look into the mirror, look at yourself that question!  We all should give back to our communities - be contributors!  What are you going to do with your life?
2. Take advantage of BTW!  You are so lucky to go to this school!  The world needs you!  BTW will push you, challenge you, and prepare you for life!  BTW is hard - to do athletics, extracurricular activities, and still excel academically!
3.  I loved an analogy to athletics.  Sports teaches you to be disciplined, preserve, and excel!
One aspect I loved is that all the inductees are Hornets!  You are a Hornet!  You are part of that legacy!  The sky is the limit!  I love Wayman Tisdale!  He is a Hornet who was so inspirational!
I'm so glad I teach at Booker T.!

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