Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Lessons from History

This was an amazing AP US History Shirt!!!! I love it!

One of my favorite things about history is you can learn life lessons!  Trust!  Life is too short to learn all the lessons!  This week we are watching 42 in Oklahoma History!

As the movie has played I hope the students have seen how strong Jackie Robinson is!  People heavily discriminated against him, and said horrific and unbelievable things to him! Honestly it was hard to watch!  I truly believe a difference between now and then is people would fight back today!  Sadly in the 1940s Jackie Robinson could not talk back or fight back!  As Oprah says about the Little Rock Nine  he handles it with Grace and Dignity!  I wonder could people do it today?  I do not think they can!  I asked  my students what Life Lessons did you learn from 42?  The two things I heard all day was persistence and perseverance.  I loved what Oprah said about the Little Rock Nine - it is the same thing as Jackie Robinson!

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