Wednesday, October 27, 2021

A Star From BOOKER T!


Tyler Lockett graduated from the Booker T in 2011.  Now he plays for the Seattle Seahawks!  Homecoming Weekeend was his 10 year reunion.  Tyler could not make it, but to honor his 10 YEAR REUNION he wore the above shoes on game day!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Road To Civil War Posters

 In AP History you do NOT need to know Military History.  If you are a big Military History Buff - I am so sorry.  In AP Histories you just need to know what led up to the conflict, who won, and what was the impact.  That is why my APUSH students made a Road to Civil War poster!  This is WHAT they need to know!  In the 1840s the ONLY thing Americans talked about was SLAVERY!!!  It is no surprise there was a Civil War!

The posters were so creative and so informative!!!  Here are some of the events they included:

1. Compromise of 1850

2. Uncle Tom's Cabin

3. Kansas Nebraska Act

4. Bleeding Kansas

5. Brook/Sumner Affair

6. Dred Scott Decision

7. Lincoln/Douglas Debates

8. Election of 1858

9. Harper Ferry's Raid

10. Election of 1860

My first hour hung them!  So grateful