Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Road To Civil War Posters

 In AP History you do NOT need to know Military History.  If you are a big Military History Buff - I am so sorry.  In AP Histories you just need to know what led up to the conflict, who won, and what was the impact.  That is why my APUSH students made a Road to Civil War poster!  This is WHAT they need to know!  In the 1840s the ONLY thing Americans talked about was SLAVERY!!!  It is no surprise there was a Civil War!

The posters were so creative and so informative!!!  Here are some of the events they included:

1. Compromise of 1850

2. Uncle Tom's Cabin

3. Kansas Nebraska Act

4. Bleeding Kansas

5. Brook/Sumner Affair

6. Dred Scott Decision

7. Lincoln/Douglas Debates

8. Election of 1858

9. Harper Ferry's Raid

10. Election of 1860

My first hour hung them!  So grateful

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