Friday, August 5, 2022

Under The Tulip Tree


This Summer (2022) I joined my Church's Book Club!  Wow!  Best decision ever!  The first book I read was "Under The Tulip Tree" by Mary Shocklee.  So GOOD!

This book follows a young woman who dreams of becoming a writer.  The book opens up on Rena's 16th birthday.  Rena and her family are getting ready, and decorating for the event.  Then you read no one comes!  The Stock Market Crashes!  This is a HUGE reason I love this book.  It is historical!

The story immerses you in the 1930s, and you get to read how people dealt with The Depression.  Rena and her family have lost everything, and she MUST bring in money to the house!  A former employer tells Rena about a writing opportunity with the F.W.P. (Federal Writer's Project) through the W.P.A. (Works Progress Administration).

The W.P.A and F.W.P were part of FDR's Alphabet Soup of the New Deal to help get Americans back to work during the 1930s!  As soon as I read that in the book - I thought to myself, Oh My Goodness Rena is going to interview Former Slaves.  As a History Teacher I knew the F.W.P interviewed former slaves to help preserve their history, and hear first hand what happened during Slavery.  That is exactly what happened.

The story follows Rena interviewing Frankie, a 101 year old Former Slave, and her story.  It is captivating!  Frankie's story is crazy, and you will find yourself not wanting to put the book down.  I will admit I was a little sad when I was done!  I wanted the story to keep going!  I cried, I laughed, and I Screamed at the book!  Read it!  It will not disappoint!

One of the coolest aspects of the F.W.P is the filmed Former Slave Narratives, and they are on YouTube!  Here is one!  Check them out!


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