Wednesday, September 21, 2022

President Washington's Farewell Address


President George Washington was elected the FIRST U.S. President by unanimous vote!  I truly believe the only President who will be - political parties today are so divided.  George Washington was so afraid of being seen as a monarch - so he only served two terms.  He could have served a life time!  He was popular and trusted!  But he set a precedent!  Due to only serving 2 terms every president only served two terms because Washington did.  Then Franklin D. Roosevelt got elected to 4 terms, and Congress was so afraid America would get a Monarch or Dictator.  So they passed the 22nd Amendment limiting a Presidential Term to 2 Terms.

President Washington never said the Farewell Address - it was published in Newspapers across the Country.  He gave 3 Warnings to this new country!


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