Tuesday, November 7, 2023

New Napoleon Movie


Darning Thanksgiving Weekend a new movie about Napoleon Bonaparte is coming out directed by Ridley Scott.  I literally can not wait to see this!  Napoleon had an extraordinary life - makes sense Scott made a movie.  The painting above is how Napoleon wanted to be displayed to the world!  He thought so highly of himself.  And for awhile he was on a roll.  France was in the middle of it's Revolution, and extremely vulnerable.  Napoleon took advantage of the situation that France was in.

He was doing so well Napoleon became emperor of France!  What makes that moment stand out?  He was in Notre - Dame de Paris, and took the crown out of the Pope's hands, and says "No one crowns me, but me!"  They painted that moment, and you can see it at the Louvre in Paris, France.

Finally came the end of Napoleon, and he was put into exile!  A little before that he is the one that sold Louisiana to President Jefferson  This movie looks amazing!  I hope it does not disappoint!

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