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Monday, December 29, 2014

Sumner Brooks Affair

This happened during the fiery 1850s.  During this time the country was headed towards war!  The regional divisions were being defined.  The only subject our government was looking at, or talking about was slavery!  It is strange now because our government tackles so many subjects now.  I always tell my students I will never make you memorize dates.  The only people who should know dates are historians and history teachers.  But when I teach the fiery 1850s  the dates of the events are always prevalent.  Because each event adds fuel to the fire - so you need to know the chronological order of things.  You do not need to know the dates, but know the order of things.

In May 1856 the Sumner Brooks Affair happened.  Senator Charles Sumner of Mass. was speaking to Congress about the crime against Kansas. 

Charles Sumner
In 1854 pro and anti slavery factions started fighting in Kansas.  They had battles, and the government was doing nothing.  Historians now say Bleeding Kansas was a foreshadowing of things to come. 
Senator Sumner was shocked the government was doing nothing about the violence, and was speaking out about it!  In his speech to Congress he named names, and named Preston Brooks's cousin.  This infuriated Congressman Brooks from South Carolina, and he decided to do something about it!  They are always from South Carolina!
Preston Brooks
What is interesting about these two men, and the reason why students need to know them is because these two men represent the north and the south.  Sumner represents the North, and Brooks represented the South.  They embodied how the two regions felt. 
Brooks got up from his seat in the balcony, and said I am going to shut up the North!  Brooks walked with a cane, and as he got close to Senator Sumner - he began beating him with his cane!  I always wonder what Sumner was thinking?  I can see the scene!  Here he is talking to Congress, and this angry man is walking towards him.  Then he begins hitting him with his cane!
Brooks nearly beat him to death, but Sumner survived!  The only punishment for Brooks was a slap on the wrist, and paid time off to cool down.  This is shocking to me!  He nearly killed a fellow Congressman!  While Brooks was home cooling down - Southerners sent him thank you gifts, and applauded him for standing up to the North.  While beating Sumner - Brooks broke his cane.  He got sent over 500 new canes to replace the one that broke!
A fun assignment to do with my students is one of personification.  Take on being the cane, and tell the story through the eyes of the cane!  The stories are always entertaining! I love their imaginations, and the directions they go!
Ultimately Senator Sumner became a martyr.  The North would say look what the South will do to you!  They will beat you!  Congressman Brooks became celebrated!  He stood up to the North, and their evil ways!  Others needed to be like him!  The causes of the Civil War are complex.  It just was not slavery, but moments like this just fanned the flames!    

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Everybody Has A Story

I love this because it is a GREAT example that we do not know everybody's full story!  Here is this teacher who challenged his students, and pushed them.  But then they found out something that surprised and inspired them!  Watch!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Truce 1914

I thought this would be very fitting for today!  Tonight 100 years ago British and German troops decided to have a Christmas truce, and stop firing their guns and artillery.  It is amazing this happened!  The Pope at the time asked each side to officially stop fighting for one night.  They said no, but this one group decided to unofficially stop for one night! 
They sang Christmas Carols and played games together for one night.  Some of the men on both sides decided in this truce retrieve their fallen brothers on the battle field.  This has never happened since, and I believe shows that we are more alike than different. 
This is such an incredible true story - they made a film about it!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

You'll Only Understand If You Live Here

I just saw the best article!  I stumbled on the article, "31 Things Oklahomans Have to Explain To Out of Towner's." I had to share!  I have seen things like this before. Two stand out to me.  I saw an email once that had a picture of a construction cone with the caption "Oklahoma State Tree."  I thought that was so true!  There is always construction.  They finish one project, and start another.
Another one that I always relate toare the ones that say "You know you are from Oklahoma if you can pronounce these towns."  We have some strange city names.
Read this article, and see if you relate to any of these things:

Saturday, November 22, 2014

A GREAT Philbrook Field Trip

In World History we just finished the Renaissance.  The rebirth of Europe after the Dark Ages.

I want History to come to life for my students.  So we went to the Philbrook to see their Renaissance Art collection.  We also got a tour of the new Native American Exhibit.  I loved that because the Renaissance was all about becoming a well rounded cultured person - a Renaissance Man! 
The day went perfect!  The students had fun!  The Museum tour guides said our students were the best students they have toured in a long time!  That is what I love!  BTW students are always so well behaved!  The guides told me their favorite part was the fact they would ask the students questioned about the Renaissance and they knew the answers!
I could not use a flash - so it turned out blury.  Checking ou the art.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Everybody Has a Story

I love this idea - everybody has a story because it is true!  I think we all forget that.  It is nice to be reminded of that.  Also I saw a great movie that highlights this idea - St. Vincent.  Vincent on the surface looks like a terrible person, but then they dig under the surface.  It was great!  I dragged my sister.  She did not want to see it, but cried in the film and loved it! 


Sunday, November 2, 2014

Everybody Has A Story - Veteran

Homecoming 2014 - 300: Rise of the Hive

Homecoming was so much fun!  This is always my favorite week at BTW!  And I cannot believe this was my 10th one!  Here is a collection of my favorite photos taken:

I love that each Class gets to decorate a hallway!  It makes the Hive so festive!  You can feel the spirit!
Seniors - Class of 2015
Sophomores - Class of 2017
Freshman - Class of 2018
Juniors - Class of 2016
Mix Match Day
Mix Match Day
Dress Your Age Day
Dress Your Age Day
Outrageous Orange and Black Day
The Awesome Door My 2nd Hour Made!
Pep Rally - Watching Teachers about to race!
Mr. and Miss Hornet

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happy Halloween!

For Halloween I went as Tami my nurse!  She has been my nurse since day 1.  Every month I have to get an infusion.  The drug is called Tysabri.  In the MS world it is a big deal.  My doctor explained Tysabri in a good simple way.  It is putting a pause on MS.  I am so thankful for this drug because it is working!
And most of all I am thankful for this office!  They are taking care of me!  I truly believe they are saving my life!  It was an honor to be Tami for Halloween!
Tami and the other nurses dressed up like Wizard of Oz.  Tami was a GREAT Tin Man!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Everybody Has A Story - Balloon

Steve Hartman believes everybody has a story, and he does that on CBS.  So every week I am going to post one of his stories.  They are beautiful  and will touch your heart!  Enjoy!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Why you need sleep!

Last night I saw a GREAT TED Talk!  This doctor tells us why sleep is important for our brains!  I found out the hard way how important our brain is.  The Central Nervous System controls everything from talking to walking.  So we need to take care of our brains.  I hope you get something out of this video!  I did!

I also included a video about MS and how it affects your brain.

Make People Happy!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Viking Runes in Oklahoma

Today in Oklahoma History we started European Conquest in Oklahoma.  The first Europeans we know about are the Vikings in 1001 C.E.  Now this is incredible because we are not 100% on how they made it to Oklahoma, but we know they did!  We know because of the Heavener Stone in Eastern Oklahoma.  On that stone Viking Runes have been discovered and authenticated. 
So today I gave the students a sheet of Viking Runes and play dough.  They made a message in the play dough.  They had great fun!
Creating a message
Final product
This says, "BTW" in Runes!

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Every month when I go to OKC to get my infusion I drive by the Buffalo in Sapula.  I love this Buffalo.  It sits on top of a mound, and it is an eye catcher.  I want to take my photo with it, and today I can cross it off my list.

Buffalos are the State Animal for Oklahoma.  So this animal is significant to Oklahoma.  Next time your in Sapula check it out!


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Work Tips and Advice

I have had two jobs in my life - AMC and BTW.  When I was 16 I needed a job to pay for a trip to Europe.  My parents told me if I want to go to Europe I have to pay for it.  So I thought where would I like to work.  I love movies, and my best friend worked at AMC.  It was an easy decision.  I ended up working at AMC for 10 years, and became a manager.  In those 10 years I learned a lot!
My first tip is when you are deciding where to work pick a place you'll love.  You will spend  a lot of time in that place, and there will be moments where it will be hard and stressful.  There were times at AMC I had to stop and tell myself "I am being paid to be here."  Also think of a place where you'll get good perks.  I loved AMC because I got free movies, and I would always see a lot of people.
Once I became a manager I got the opportunity to choose the applicants who AMC would call to hire.  It was shocking how many people would fill out there application with sloppy handwriting.  It would be so bad I could not even read the numbers to call them.  If I could not read the application it would get put into the do not call pile.  How you fill out your application is your first impression to the employer.  Always use good penmanship!
Once you get the job - you want to stand out!  You want to stand out in a positive way.  There are many ways to stand out.  One way is to be on time!  When you get a job, and you have to be at work at 6 p.m.  They mean you are clocked in, dressed, and on the job at 6.  It is always amazing how many people would walk in late, and not dressed.  That gets you noticed, and not in a good way.  When you are late for a job it is not like school.  You do not get a warning - you get a write up.  After 3 you are fired!  That puts you in bad standing.  When you apply for another job you cannot put your previous job on the application because if the new employer calls the old one they will not say good things.
You want to build a good reputation for yourself!
My last piece of advice would be to have a good attitude.  Be fun to be around!  This will take you far!  I was always upbeat and positive!  Even now as a teacher I try to leave my problems at the door.  Why should my bad day ruin someone else's day?  Be positive!  It will take you far!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Live a Passionate Life

This is a wonderful TED Talk that talks about the importance of living a passionate life!  She says to say yes to life!  You only get one life!  Make this LIFE GREAT!
This talk also talks about one thing we all have to deal with.  Aging!  Don't be afraid to age!  Accept it!  Enjoy it!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Oklahoma State Meal

Tuesday Oklahoma History ate the Oklahoma State Meal.  I have done this for the last 9 years after the first unit - Geography of Oklahoma.  Instead of memorizing the State Meal, I think we should eat it together instead.  I bet anything they will remember the State Meal!  Every student brought an item off the State Meal.  We had a feast on Tuesday!  The Meal includes:
  • Strawberries
  • Squash
  • Biscuits
  • Gravy
  • Corn
  • Barbeque Pork
  • Cornbread
  • Grits

Saturday, September 13, 2014

The Hive Gets A Special Guest!

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor
Current Supreme Court
BTW got an amazing opportunity to host a Supreme  Court Justice.  Justice Sonia Sotomayor was talking at Tulsa University, and she chose to come speak at BTW.  The BTW Teen Advisory Board organized it.  A few weeks before they made a power point explaining who she was, and went to every English class telling the students about her.  That was wonderful because the students needed to know who she was.  I spent a day telling my students about her.
I wonder if the students get what a big deal she is!  Once someone becomes a member of this prestigious court - they have a job for life!  The have the awesome power to decide if laws are constitutional or unconstitutional!  Think about that for a minute.  That is incredible, and then America has to accept their decision whether we agree or disagree.  That is powerful!  And one of their members came and talked to us!  Boy we are lucky!
Role of the Supreme Court
President Obama nominated her to the court, and the Senate confirmed her.
I was so excited to hear what she was going to say to the students, and she did not disappoint.  One thing I loved was how down to earth she was.  She was so real, and you could tell that she care about people.  One impressive thing was she took a picture with every section.  Even the Freshman at the very top!  Here are the big ideas I got from her talk:
1.  Build Bridges
She talked about this a lot.  In every moment ask questions and get to know people.  She said she does not like selective groups because that is segregation.  Even if you do not understand a social situation.  Ask questions, and clarify.
2. Suck It Up and Do It!
She talked about not understanding everything.  She gave the example of Physics, but she did not let that stop her.  She sought out alternative texts that helped her understand better.  But ultimately you have to suck it up and do it!  That got a big applause from the teachers.  She also mentioned if you have never been overwhelmed by school - you are not challenging yourself.  Be a Life Long Learner!
3. Give Back!
She said when you go to bed you should ask yourself two questions: what new thing did I learn today, and what did I do today to help someone?  I loved that!
Justice Sotomayor was fantastic, and I did not want it to end!  I hope the students got a lot out of it!  She talked about her memoir a lot.  It is inspirational!


