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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Study Abroad in AMERICA!


David McCullough Jr.  had an idea, and put it in action. Why would students go across the world when the could go across the country?  Now students can go to another part of the U.S. and experience life there!  Such a cool idea - watch and see how it is going.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

New Napoleon Movie


Darning Thanksgiving Weekend a new movie about Napoleon Bonaparte is coming out directed by Ridley Scott.  I literally can not wait to see this!  Napoleon had an extraordinary life - makes sense Scott made a movie.  The painting above is how Napoleon wanted to be displayed to the world!  He thought so highly of himself.  And for awhile he was on a roll.  France was in the middle of it's Revolution, and extremely vulnerable.  Napoleon took advantage of the situation that France was in.

He was doing so well Napoleon became emperor of France!  What makes that moment stand out?  He was in Notre - Dame de Paris, and took the crown out of the Pope's hands, and says "No one crowns me, but me!"  They painted that moment, and you can see it at the Louvre in Paris, France.

Finally came the end of Napoleon, and he was put into exile!  A little before that he is the one that sold Louisiana to President Jefferson  This movie looks amazing!  I hope it does not disappoint!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Homecoming 2023 - Nightmare on Hornet Way!

 It was a GREAT Homecoming and we won!!!!!  Here are some Highlights of the week!

5th hour won the Door Decoration!!!!

To show how long I've been at the Hive - I bought this in 2006!

These girls were in my class llast year!  They came as cones for Pep Rally day!

Ist Attendants of the Royal Court!  Love them!

Miss Hornet!!!!  Love her!!!!!

Walking out to the GAME!

6th Hour - Western Wednesday

Adore these girls!!!!

Working on our 5th Hour Doors!

Anything but a backpack!

Hampton brought a whole locker!

Tessa's cart!

5th Hour students who worked on the door!

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Historic House of Reps Move


First time ever in American History the House of Represenatives ousted the Speaker of House.  No one knows what is going to happen now!  But this is a historic moment!  Here is an aricle about what happened!

Friday, September 1, 2023

Colin Kaepernick taking a stand!


APUSH students must be able to write contextt for historical moments, or the topic of the Document Based Questions or Long Essay Question.  So today in class - 9/1/2023 - we gave context to this famous image of Colin Kaepernick kneeling at a football game.  We had the BEST conversation in each class!  Students get it!  My favorite context started "Prior to Kaepernick's stand..."  Such GOOD Writers!  

As we discussed this image every class told me about a series on Netflix called "Colin in Black and White."  It is so good!  I have watched 2 Episodes!  I would recommend it to all!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Historic Moment


Never before has a former president been arrested and indicted multiple times!  This is a HUGE moment regardless of your political leanings.  So below is the mug shot and an article from NBC News about this Historic Moment!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

I Bleed Black and Orange!!!!


It is my 19th year at the Hive!  I bleed black and orange!!!!  I started working at the Hive in 2005. Feels like yesterday, but was so long ago!  Here are some of the reasons I love Booker T:

1.  The Pride and Traditions!

This is Miss Hornet and I from before Covid.  I LOVE the traditions of Booker T!  I am so glad teachers cannot vote in Mr. and Miss Hornet.  I usually know all the candidates, and love them all!

I love Homecoming and Spirit Weeks, and dressing up!  My wardrobe is all black and orange!  This Homecoming 2013!  I love that students participate and go all out!  That really impressed me as a teacher!

For Homecoming one year a student made a Hornet Helmet.  So cool!  Had to get a pic of me wearing it!

2.  Being a Class Sponsor - Class of 2010

My 2nd year I became the Class Sponsor of 2010.  Being involved with Booker T is good for students and teachers!  Royce Anderson was Mr. Hornet, and TPS made a video about him.  Listen to his advice to future Hornets!  I completely agree!  Be involved - it deepens your love for Booker T!

Being the Class Sponsor of the Class of 2010 was the best decision ever!  I got to know them, and 11 years later we had a mini reunion, and the love was still there!  They will always have my heart!

I got to lead 2010 into their graduation.  BEST moment ever!  

2010 graduation.  The students walk through the teachers - so we can cheer them on!  You will be at graduation before you know it!

Mini Reunion in 2019.  They were 29 and 30 years old!!!!

3. Took students to Europe 3 times!

I took students to London in 2008!

I have done 3 trips to Europe with Booker T. students!  I am such an advocate for traveling!  See the world - the world is so much bigger than Tulsa, OK!!!  It was pure joy showing them the world!  

4. Supporting Students

The girl in blue was Miss Hornet!

Booker T students are rock stars!  I ADORE you!  I would move mountains for you!  Love watching you guys grow and learn!  I truly enjoy coming to school every day!  I have the best JOB on the planet!!

My Students at Winter Formal - January 2023!

This amazing girl was in my Advisory for 4 years!  So happy for her!

This was the NSU Graduation - Spring 2023.  I adore this girl to the moon and back!  So when she invited me to her college graduation - of course I said yes!  Her future is SO BRIGHT!!!

This was my second year teaching - 2006!  One of the best parts of working at the Hive is seeing former students become teachers at Booker T.  Did you see two teachers at the Hive now?  Mrs. Mejia and Mrs. Collins!!!!They are  9th graders in this photo!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

3 C's of the 1950s


When you think about the 1950s - Numerous would think of the image above!  I always think of wholesome families like the first sitcoms, Leave it to Beaver, or the Dick Van Dyke Show.  But the 1950s from a Historical Point of View is so much more!

It is called the 3 C's.  Communism, Cold War, and Civil Rights.  You also include the words Containment and Conformity.  So many C's!  The 1950s were a tumultuous  time for America.  The need to conform was strong!

A great example of conformity was military housing - Levittowns!

America's top priority was to contain communism domestically and abroad.  To root out Communism numerous debates emerged!  On person emerged who went on a witch hunt to find communist in America!  He put America under a spell.  Edward R. Murrow woke up America when he went after McCarthy.  George Clooney made a movie about this called Good Night and Good Luck.  I hope you can see how terrorized America was.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Prom 2023

 Saturday April 1, 2023 I attended my 18th Booker T. Prom.  It was a magical and elegant evening.  Here are some of my pictures from Prom:

My husband

Morgan was there! She graduated in 2016.  She was in my class in 2013!

The Final Look!

My sister did my hair!
