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Thursday, October 26, 2023

Homecoming 2023 - Nightmare on Hornet Way!

 It was a GREAT Homecoming and we won!!!!!  Here are some Highlights of the week!

5th hour won the Door Decoration!!!!

To show how long I've been at the Hive - I bought this in 2006!

These girls were in my class llast year!  They came as cones for Pep Rally day!

Ist Attendants of the Royal Court!  Love them!

Miss Hornet!!!!  Love her!!!!!

Walking out to the GAME!

6th Hour - Western Wednesday

Adore these girls!!!!

Working on our 5th Hour Doors!

Anything but a backpack!

Hampton brought a whole locker!

Tessa's cart!

5th Hour students who worked on the door!

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Historic House of Reps Move


First time ever in American History the House of Represenatives ousted the Speaker of House.  No one knows what is going to happen now!  But this is a historic moment!  Here is an aricle about what happened!
